Pray for the younger generation of our day...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

After facing my own teenage years, I can remember the times I began to feel smothered by the worldliness that surrounded me everywhere I turned.  Those memories bring to my mind the grace and mercy that the Lord has had upon my life.  I remember begging the Lord to forgive me for some of the foolish choices I had made.  In light of this, the Lord has given me a great burden to reach out to the youth of our day who are constantly being bombarded by every temptation imaginable.  Unfortunately, many of them are giving in, and at very young ages too.  You don’t have to look very far in order to see what I am talking about.  Just take a trip to your local mall, log on to facebook, or step inside the doors of your very own church.  Yes, even the youth in many churches today are participating in shocking and rebellious types of behavior.  
Hollywood stars, reality television shows, and nasty tabloids have become the top educators on informing our youth how to dress, who to date, how to talk, and that it’s totally acceptable to indulge in promiscuous behavior before marriage.  Our society has fallen into this “use and be used” way of thinking where young men and women treat dating like you would use an empty candy wrapper after the contents inside have been consumed.  Sadly, this leaves behind major scars that take many years to heal.  The decisions we make early in our adult life will reap many consequences.  
Many parents may claim that their child would never take part in such questionable or promiscuous behavior.  I have often heard parents make the comment, “You choose your battles.”  In other words, they often let the behavior go unaddressed out of fear that they might be pushing their child away, but how does this passivity allow the parent to challenge their child to walk in the fear of the Lord?  
God has been so merciful to give me parents who loved me enough to correct me when I was not living in a manner that reflected a life of  holiness.  I may have resented their discipline at the time, but I can now say I am extremely thankful.  If you are a parent, one day your child may thank you for challenging them in love and by God’s grace, that child will take delight in being obedient.  Proverbs 22:6 tells us, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
May this be a challenge to all of us!  Let us pray for the young people of our day as well as the parents who are raising them.
~Reading List~
Here are some great books that have been a wonderful blessing to me.  I think these are excellent books for both teens and young adults.
Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot
Books by Joshua Harris:
I Kissed Dating Goodbye
When Boy Meets Girl
Not Even a Hint
Of Knights and Fair Maidens by Jeff and Danielle Myers
Books by Eric & Leslie Ludy:

When God Writes Your Love Story

When Dreams Come True
Every Young Woman’s Battle: Guarding Your Mind, Heart, and Body in a Sex-Saturated World by Shannon Ethridge, Stephen Arteburn
There is also a book like this for young men...
Every Young Man’s Battle: Strategies for Victory in the real world of Sexual Temptation by Fred Stoeker, Stephen Arteburn, and Mike Yorkey

Let us not grow weary of doing good...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

There are so many times in this life where we become wounded by another person's words or actions.  As a nurse, I experience this frequently.  I believe the Lord called me to be a nurse for several reasons, but I believe one of the biggest reasons is for the purpose of my own sanctification.  There have been very difficult encounters with patients since I have been working in a hospital.  These situations have been extremely difficult to swallow at times...people being rude, angry, stressed, and hateful.  It seems as if the nurse is the only one for them to take their frustration out on.  I recently faced a patient encounter like this.  It was very hurtful and at times even made me angry.  I kept thinking to myself, "Why am I being treated like this?  I don’t deserve this.  I am only trying to help this patient and do what I know is best for their health and well-being, so why is this person choosing to act so ugly towards me?"  As I drove home after my long 12 hour shift ended, I began to feel the tears start to flow as I was reminded of my glorious Savior who once endured the cruelty and hate of those who had him crucified.  If anyone didn’t deserve to be mistreated, it was Christ.   At that thought, John 15:18 came to my mind.  "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it has hated you.”  With that reminder, I am able to see that there is nothing that can be done to me that could ever be as awful as what He endured.  He bore the greatest reproach on my behalf.
As His follower, I am to remember that I have been placed in such a position in order to serve Him by serving others, to be His hands and feet, and to grow more and more in His grace.  Even though at times, I may become greatly distressed, I am to think upon the One who has gone before me.  May I remember to always count my blessings, even when my heart feels trampled upon by the world around me.  Pray for me as I continue to be a light in this dark world and also that my love would grow deeper in serving the sick and the broken. 
I hope this also encourages you to forgive those who may say and do hurtful things towards you.  Remember that those who live a life in obedience to Christ will one day receive a crown of glory.  It may be a hard and lonely life, but a blessed one indeed.

"For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my slavation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken."
 Psalm 62:1-2

I was able to hear these beautiful words to this song on my way home from the hospital after that trying shift.  These are great words to remember when we become weary in this race of life.
“When the Saints” By Sara Groves
Lord I have a heavy burden of all I've seen and know
It's more than I can handle
But your word is burning like a fire shut up in my bones
and I can’t let it go

And when I'm weary and overwrought
with so many battles left unfought

I think of Paul and Silas in the prison yard
I hear their song of freedom rising to the stars
And when the Saints go marching in
I want to be one of them

Lord it's all that I can't carry and cannot leave behind
it all can overwhelm me
but I think of all who've gone before them and lived the faithful life
their courage compels me

And when I'm weary and overwrought
with so many battles left unfought

I think of Paul and Silas in the prison yard
I hear their song of freedom rising to the stars

I see the shepherd Moses in the Pharaohs court
I hear his call for freedom for the people of the Lord

And when the Saints go marching in
I want to be one of them
And when the Saints go marching in
I want to be one of them

I see the long quiet walk along the Underground Railroad
I see the slave awakening to the value of her soul

I see the young missionary at the angry spear
I see his family returning with no trace of fear

I see the long hard shadows of Calcutta nights
I see the sisters standing by the dying mans side

I see the young girl huddled on the brothel floor
I see the man with a passion come and kicking down that door

I see the man of sorrow and his long troubled road
I see the world on his shoulders and my easy load

And when the Saints go marching in
I want to be one of them
And when the Saints go marching in
I want to be one of them
I want to be one of them
I want to be one of them
I want to be one of them

Reverse Thinking

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I posted this video a few weeks ago on my facebook page, but I thought it would be great to re-post on here.  This video helps display the major difference that takes place in the lives of those who come to trust in Him.  This is also an excellent tool is sharing the gospel with those who deny that there is only one true God.

Enjoy :-)

Bearing Fruit

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

We live in the midst of a fruitless generation where many people believe that all you have to do in order to be a Christian is to go to church, walk down an aisle to say a simple prayer, or by just trying to be a “good person.”  But where is the genuine repentance?  Scripture tells us that Christians will be recognized by their fruit (Matthew 7:16).  Those who have truly received the gift of salvation have come to Christ by faith and repentance and will surely bear fruit.
After becoming a Christian, many may think that it all just stops there, but they soon come to realize…the journey has only begun.  The day-to-day struggle in pursuing a life of holiness can sometimes feel overwhelming.  As we look to Him, who graciously called us to be holy,  we will find the many promises he has provided for us in His word.  Let us take this journey together as we seek to bear fruit and live each day hungering and thirsting for righteousness.
Scriptures for further study:
“Bear fruit in keeping with repentance.” – Matthew 3:8
“So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruit.” – Matthew 7: 16-20 (emphasis added)
“Likewise, my brothers, you also have died to the law through the body of Christ, so that you may belong to one another, to him who has been raised from the dead, in order that we may bear fruit for God.” – Romans 7:4 (emphasis added)
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give it to you.” – John 15:16
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” – Galatians 4:22-23